

Sonkhe S'khatsi

Welcome to Channel Yemaswati

Channel Yemaswati is an award-winning multimedia and broadcasting brand that has been at the forefront of quality, credible, and relevant news and programming for over 20 years. Qhawe Mamba is the founder of the company and hosts the most famous program of the show called “People and Places”. Our journalists and news crew have reported on events that have shaped the Kingdom of Eswatini. We are proud to be the leading news broadcaster and all-round family programming channel for all. We cover an estimated 600 000 viewership in the Kingdom of Eswatini from the DigiTek decoder alone. Our programs range from family shows, like programs with pastors and western movies to more programs for the youth called Youth Zone where we discuss very relevant topics in the youth today. We also have entertainment programs where we bring in trending artists from around the country and promote their music because that’s what the station is also about, being a promoter of local talent and encouraging youth. Our mission is to provide our viewers with the most accurate and up-to-date news and information. We strive to be a reliable source of information for our viewers. We are committed to providing quality programming that is both informative and entertaining. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that our viewers receive the best possible viewing experience.

Headlining News

We are proud of our audience of 400,000 - 500,000 during prime time available on Digital Terrestrial (Ntjintja). We are excited to share our content with you.

Advertising Services to All for All

Our program has a vast audience that spans across all income classes in Eswatini. As a result, we are the best medium for reaching the majority of the Eswatini population. Our advertising firm is proud to offer you the best advertising services in the country.

+20 Years Experience Live Broadcasting

We are proud to offer professional live streaming services for your event across all your social media platforms. Our team of experts will ensure that your event is streamed professionally and seamlessly.
Our Vision

To become the nation's tribune within the media sphere

Locally Produced Content
Best Media Advertising Platform in Country
Youth Staff Members

In 2001, media expert Mr Qhawe Mamba launched the first commercial television media station in the Kingdom of Eswatini, Channel Yemaswati. The station has been consistently providing high-quality entertainment and local news and current affairs to its viewers, making it the most preferred choice in the country.

Channel Swazi - Channel Yemaswati


Channel Yemaswati Tv


The niche market of the Channel has resulted in the community owning the programming and news. As an example, in the event of a tragedy within a location, the first call is made to Channel Yemaswati before the emergency services. 

This has resulted in the following marketing ; slogan  ‘If you want to approach the masses, come to us, but if you are in a quest for style and prestige, go elsewhere’. This has been proven by a number of events which are solely advertised on our Channel; the yearly Cross over has been described by our local dailies as ‘epic’ and other terms referring to the mammoth attendance always achieved and the rest is history.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.