
Lactalis Eswatini Donates E100K in Food Parcels to Support DPM’s Child Hunger Campaign

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  • Lactalis Eswatini Donates E100K in Food Parcels to Support DPM’s Child Hunger Campaign

Maphiveni, Eswatini – In a significant effort to alleviate child hunger, Lactalis Eswatini has donated E100,000 worth of food parcels to the Deputy Prime Minister’s End Child Hunger Campaign. The contribution, which includes E10,000 worth of food products specifically for Maphiveni Primary School, will directly benefit 48 Grade 1 pupils, improving their meals and nutritional intake.

Deputy Prime Minister Thulisile Dlala expressed profound gratitude for the generous support. “Together, we can make a difference in the fight against child hunger,” she said, emphasizing the importance of such partnerships in combating poverty and malnutrition in Eswatini’s children.

This donation forms part of a broader initiative to tackle food insecurity among vulnerable children, aligning with Lactalis Eswatini’s commitment to social responsibility and community welfare.

Some delegates during the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister
Watch Tindzaba Tesiswati from 07 October 2024 to hear more.

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