
SA plans to get electricity from Tanzania: Ramaphosa

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South Africa ( SABC News ) President Cyril Ramaphosa says that he has discussed getting electricity from Tanzania.


SA President Cyril Ramaphosa
Source : SABC News

He was meeting with the President of the East African country Samia Suluhu Hassan at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Thursday as part of both a State Visit and the second Bi-National Commission of the two countries.

Ramaphosa says that his efforts are in line with taking forward the Energy Action Plan to source power from neighbouring countries.

“We did say when we released our Energy Action Plan last year in July is that one of the initiatives we are going to embark upon is to procure surplus energy from our neighbours. A number of countries on the African continent at last check and I am going to get further checks, we had procured 300 megawatts and we were now going to upscale that to a little bit higher than the 300 megawatts. As I have been talking to leaders in various countries, they say we have a little bit more surplus and we can sell through to you.

Meanwhile, President Cyril Ramaphosa says he is confident that South Africa’s energy crisis will not hamper investment in the country.

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