
Men in Free State march against GBV

(SABC News, South Africa)

Some of the men taking part in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) march in Bloemfontein say it is time men took a firm stand against the scourge.

They say adding their voice and activism to denounce violence and killing of women and children will make a difference.

Scores of men from all sectors of society, including government and civil movements, joined the march led by acting Free State Premier Jabu Mbalula, to emphasise government’s campaign towards addressing the root causes of GBV as well as promoting positive masculinity.

“I joined this march because I am against the brutality of women and children and equally we condemn the actions that take place in our communities where you find people that are having anger issues taking it out on women and children.”

“We are here because gender-based violence is something that affects our communities in a negative way so us as men in the Free State and the whole country we are taking a stand against gender-based violence because it’s something we don’t need in our country.”

INFOGRAPHIC | Women are mostly killed by gun wounds

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