
Ministry of Labour Highlights Employment Challenges for Humanities Graduates

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  • Ministry of Labour Highlights Employment Challenges for Humanities Graduates

Ministry of Labour and Social Security – The Ministry of Labour has issued a concerning report regarding the employability of graduates from the humanities field, sparking a national conversation on the viability of these degrees in today’s job market. According to the Ministry’s latest findings, the number of graduates in the humanities has far exceeded the demand for such qualifications in the labor market, leaving many unable to secure employment post-graduation.

The issue has raised alarms, with officials pointing out that the current education and training system may not be aligned with the needs of the economy. While the humanities provide critical skills such as communication, critical thinking, and cultural awareness, there is a growing concern that these competencies are not translating into tangible job opportunities within Eswatini’s limited job market.

A Broader View of the Issue

The debate surrounding the humanities and employability is not new, but the latest report underscores the widening gap between academia and the job market. Economists and educators argue that this issue isn’t merely about an oversaturation of humanities graduates, but rather about a mismatch between the skills taught and the evolving needs of the workforce.

“It’s not that humanities graduates are inherently unemployable. The problem is that industries that traditionally hire them, such as education, the arts, and public service, are shrinking or are not expanding at a pace that can absorb the influx of graduates,” said one education expert.

Many in the field argue for a more nuanced approach, suggesting that students should be encouraged to complement their humanities degrees with skills in technology, business, or entrepreneurship to increase their competitiveness in the market.

Calls for Educational Reform

The report from the Ministry of Labour has prompted calls for educational reform. Stakeholders are urging institutions to modernize their curricula to include more interdisciplinary programs, which can combine the strengths of the humanities with practical skills such as digital literacy, data analysis, or project management.

“Humanities graduates offer valuable skills that remain essential in any workplace,” said a Ministry spokesperson. “However, we must acknowledge that the landscape has changed, and our education system needs to evolve accordingly. We need to equip students with the tools they need to thrive in the modern economy.”

Students Facing Uncertainty

For current and future humanities students, the report presents a challenging reality. Many graduates are finding themselves either unemployed or underemployed, taking jobs far outside their fields of study. In response, some students are opting to pursue additional qualifications, including certifications in fields like technology and business, to enhance their employability.

One graduate, who preferred to remain anonymous, shared their concerns: “I completed my degree in history, but I’ve had to settle for part-time work that’s not related to my field. It’s frustrating because I feel like the skills I gained during my studies aren’t being valued in the job market.”

The Path Forward

The Ministry of Labour’s report serves as a wake-up call for policymakers, educators, and students alike. There is an increasing need to bridge the gap between higher education and the labor market, ensuring that graduates are not only well-rounded but also equipped with practical skills to meet industry demands.

While the challenges facing humanities graduates are clear, they also present an opportunity for innovation and adaptation within Eswatini’s education system. By broadening the scope of what a humanities degree can offer and equipping students with the ability to navigate a complex job market, the potential for future employability can still be unlocked.

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