
UNESWA Graduates Encouraged to Lead Eswatini’s Innovation and Economic Transformation

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  • UNESWA Graduates Encouraged to Lead Eswatini’s Innovation and Economic Transformation

Kwaluseni, UNESWA

At the 42nd graduation ceremony of the University of Eswatini (UNESWA), His Majesty King Mswati III addressed 1,250 graduates, highlighting the pivotal role of tertiary education in fostering national development. In a powerful speech, the King emphasized that universities like UNESWA must align their programs with the country’s economic needs, producing graduates ready to tackle real-world challenges.

King Mswati III acknowledged the achievements of the graduates and commended their dedication throughout their academic journey. He also expressed gratitude to their families, recognizing their support as key to the students’ success. “Today is not only a celebration of academic achievement but also a call to action for the new graduates to apply their knowledge for the betterment of Eswatini,” the King remarked.

Focusing on the future, His Majesty urged universities to prioritize innovation, research, and entrepreneurship, ensuring that graduates are equipped with skills to thrive in a rapidly changing global economy. He called for stronger ties between the university and industry, particularly with the Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP), to advance the nation’s technological capabilities.

“UNESWA must lead in producing creative and innovative graduates who will contribute to the Kingdom’s economic transformation,” King Mswati III stated. He further highlighted the importance of relevant curricula that not only foster academic excellence but also meet the demands of the labor market, particularly in areas like finance, ICT, health, and social programs.

The King acknowledged the financial constraints faced by higher education institutions, calling for innovative solutions to secure sustainable funding. He praised UNESWA’s strategic initiatives, aimed at improving the quality of education while addressing financial challenges through collaborative efforts with government, industry, and the private sector.

In closing, King Mswati III encouraged graduates to explore entrepreneurial ventures and use their skills to drive community development. He also urged private industry leaders to offer internships that would help graduates transition into full-time employment, ultimately supporting Eswatini’s broader economic and social development goals.

The 42nd graduation ceremony served not only as a celebration of academic success but also as a reminder of the critical role education plays in shaping the future of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

Creds: Eswatini Government

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