
Eswatini Launches Urban October with Focus on Resilient Cities and Sustainable Growth

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  • Eswatini Launches Urban October with Focus on Resilient Cities and Sustainable Growth

The Kingdom of Eswatini kicked off Urban October with the commemoration of World Habitat Day, emphasizing the importance of resilient urban economies under the theme, “Cities as Drivers of Growth and Recovery.” Held at the Royal Villas, the event marked the start of a month-long focus on urban development and sustainability.

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Principal Secretary (PS), Dr. Simon Zwane, highlighted the global significance of World Habitat Day, first commemorated in 1986, to advocate for the right to shelter. He stressed the need for cities to play a central role in recovering from crises such as COVID-19, economic downturns, and climate challenges.

Dr. Zwane called for collaboration between development partners, including UN-Habitat, local authorities, and utility providers, to build resilient urban economies. Throughout October, the Ministry will engage in various activities, including a green walk and discussions on smart city development, housing policies, and climate change adaptation.

The month-long Urban October initiative, launched by UN-Habitat, seeks to promote sustainable urbanization, aligning with Eswatini’s commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: making cities inclusive, safe, and resilient. Dr. Zwane emphasized that these efforts will pave the way for a sustainable urban future in Eswatini.

Urban October will conclude on October 31 with the celebration of World Cities Day.

Creds: SwaziDailyNews

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