

Mpumalanga ( Times Live ) A Mpumalanga chief, Clyde Mnisi, 37, was killed in a hail of bullets late on Sunday night on the road leading to the Kruger Mpumalanga International (KMI) airport, outside White River.

Mnisi was chief of the Mnisi tribal authority in Bushbuckridge, which has 11 villages under its authority. He became chief  last October.

Police spokesperson Brig Selvy Mohlala said Mnisi and his driver were travelling in a Toyota Avanza when they had a flat tyre and were ambushed by gunmen while waiting for assistance, just after 11pm.

“It is alleged that a group of about five heavily armed men wearing balaclavas and gloves came in a BMW X5. They then alighted from the vehicle with high-calibre rifles and went straight to the passenger side where the chief was sitting,” Mohlala said.

Mohlala said the chief sustained multiple gunshot wounds and succumbed to his injuries.

His driver was shot in his leg and was receiving treatment.

Mohlala said police in White River are investigating a murder and attempted murder case.

“No one has been arrested so far and police urge anyone with information that may assist in apprehending the perpetrators to call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111.

Source : Times Live
Chief Clyde Mnisi was killed on Sunday night in a hail of bullets fired by unknown gunmen

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