
Year: 2023

Explosion near Gaza boundary wall kills five Palestinians

GAZA (BBCNEWS) The funerals have taken place of five Palestinians killed in an explosion in Gaza by the boundary wall with Israel. Hundreds had joined two rallies at the time of the blast on Wednesday evening. The Israeli military said there had been “an attempt by rioters to launch an explosive device” at its soldiers. […]
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Moscow Expels U.S. Embassy Workers for ‘Liaising’ With Russian Citizen Accused of Spying

SOURCE : MOSCOW TIMES Moscow on Thursday said it was expelling two U.S. Embassy employees for allegedly “liaising” with a former U.S. consulate worker accused by Russian authorities of spying for Washington. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said the two American diplomats, Jeffery Sillin and David Bernstein, were engaged in “illegal activities by liaising with a Russian citizen, [Robert] Shonov.” “The U.S. ambassador […]
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Mali cancels Independence day celebrations after attacks

(AFRICANEWS) Mali’s ruling junta has cancelled celebrations planned for next week to mark the anniversary of the country’s independence. The announcement was made public Wednesday following a council of ministers. Last year, Guinea’s ruling military leader attended the military parade organized for the festivities of Mali’s 62nd independence anniversary. During Wednesday’s council of ministers, Mali’s […]
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Rwanda strikes deal to build nuclear reactor

AFRICA ( AFRICANEWS ) The Rwandan government signed an agreement on Tuesday with a German-Canadian start-up to build an “experimental” civil nuclear reactor, in order to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. The reactor will be ready for testing in 2026, according to the start-up that will build it, Dual Fluid Energy. These “reactors can […]
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Libya floods: 5,300 dead amid calls for humanitarian support

Libya (BBCNEWS) : More than 5,300 people are believed to have died after floods in the Libyan city of Derna, an official has said. “The sea is constantly dumping dozens of bodies,” Hisham Chkiouat, a minister in Libya’s eastern administration said. There have been desperate calls for more humanitarian support as victims lie wrapped in […]
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Ghana ( Africa Ghana’s parliament on Tuesday voted to abolish the death penalty, making the country the latest of several African nations that have moved to repeal capital punishment in recent years. No one has been executed in Ghana since 1993, although 176 people were on death row as of last year, according to the […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.